/*global location, localStorage, hoe */
/*global input, label, button, ul, li, div */
/*global h1, section, header, footer, strong, a, span */
/*global location, localStorage, hoe */
/*global input, label, button, ul, li, div */
/*global h1, section, header, footer, strong, a, span */
In this tutorial we will create a simple TODO application, it is based on http://todomvc.com/. You can take a look at the full specification , but not required.
Before we start you can play with it here.
To run locally grab the source files for HTML, CSS and other dependencies from the github repo.
var APP; // easy debug
(function( window ) {
'use strict';
var ENTER_KEY = 13;
first call hoe.init()
to define shorthand functions to
create HTML elements in the global namespace like div()
, a()
Let’s start writing code for a TodoItem, our goal is to write it as a “component”.
It probably wont be re-used in any other place than a TODO application, anyway this helps us structure the the code in an easy way to understand and modify.
Creates a CustomElement. A CustomElment can be created in two ways:
1) programatically create by javascript 2) by HTML tags
takes two parameters, the tag name and an initializer
var TodoItem = hoe.Component('todo-item', function (args){
An item has 3 properties: id
, title
and completed
The TodoItem is created inheriting from hoe.Type
it has some extra features (more on this features later on).
this.id = args.id;
this.title = args.title;
this.completed = args.completed;
When an custom element is created from HTML, use from_html()
to extract data from it and return an object that will be passed
as argument to the initializer.
TodoItem.from_html = function(){
var args = {};
args.id = this.getAttribute('id');
args.title = this.textContent;
args.completed = this.getAttribute('completed') === true;
remove title from DOM as actual DOM nodes will be added later
this.innerHTML = '';
return args;
approach is that HTML for “widgets” should be created
directly by javascript.
But shouldn’t we separate the presentation from the logic with templates?
Well, using templates you would typically need to reference
mostly every element by id
or class
in order to attach events
and modify the element. So how much separation are you really getting
from this? Anyway, it is possible to use templates if you wish…
Creating HTML from js lets us simplify by keeping all the code in a single location and avoid problems like referencing elements by name that might have changed, have a typo or are simply hard to locate.
TodoItem.render = function() {
this.$checkbox = input({ 'class': 'toggle', type: 'checkbox' });
set the checkbox according to the instance value using jQuery method.
this.$checkbox.checked = this.completed;
Whenever a TodoItem is marked or unmarked as completed we need to update our object’s data, so let’s attach an event handler.
The standard way to attach callbacks to events is to use the
method listen
. This method is similar with jQuery’s on
. The difference is that this method
belongs to the TodoItem object and the callback will be automatically
executed on the object scope (no need to use $.proxy
the arguments are:
this.listen( this.$checkbox, 'change', this.toggleCompleted );
Create label for checkbox with todo title and attach a method to start editing on double click event.
Before we saw how plain objects are used to set HTML attributes for a tag being created. If you pass a String it will be append in the content of the element.
this.$label = label( {}, this.title );
this.listen( this.$label, 'dblclick', this.startEdit );
Create button to remove the TodoItem. When a todo item is deleted it needs to be removed from the TodoApp. Since the TodoItem has no knowlodge of where it is contained it will just tigger/fire an event, so that the container can act uppon it.
The fire method’s first argument is the name of the event. All other arguments will be passed to the callback attached as event handler, here we just pass a reference to the TodoItem being deleted.
var $button = button({ 'class': 'destroy' });
this.listen( $button, 'click', function(){
this.fire('delete', this);
} );
Here we create the input element to be used when the title of the TodoItem is being edited.
this.$input = input({ 'class': 'edit', value:this.title });
this.listen( this.$input, 'blur', this.updateTitle );
this.listen( this.$input, 'keypress', this.updateTitle );
Now we just need to put all the elements together. Note how we combine different arguments, plain object for HTML attributes, DOM elements are appended to the content. You can pass as many arguments as you wish.
var $view = div( {'class': 'view'},
this.$checkbox, this.$label, $button );
this.appendChild( $view);
this.appendChild( this.$input );
And finally set a class to apply a CSS style.
this.style.setProperty('display', 'block');
this.classList.toggle( 'completed', this.completed );
Now we need to create the methods used as event handlers for each operation.
will display the input element (done through CSS,
so just change the class
TodoItem.startEdit = function() {
this.classList.add( 'editing' );
when finished editing.
TodoItem.updateTitle = function( e ){
if ( e.type === 'blur' || e.keyCode === ENTER_KEY ) {
update the Object property
this.title = this.$input.value = this.$input.value.trim();
update the UI
this.$label.textContent = this.title;
this.classList.remove( 'editing' );
notify the container element triggering an event
if ( !this.title ){
this.fire( 'delete', this );
this.fire( 'updated' );
, about the same steps.
Update the object property, update the UI and trigger an event to
notify the container.
TodoItem.toggleCompleted = function() {
this.completed = this.$checkbox.checked;
this.classList.toggle( 'completed' );
this.fire( 'toggle', this );
The TodoApp will follow the same pattern. The constructor defines the object properties, the initial data is loaded from LocalStorage. The URL hash can be used to set the initial “view filter”.
var TodoApp = hoe.Component('todo-app', function() {
APP = this;
dict of TodoItem by id
this.todos = {};
helper to generate TodoItem id’s
this.next_id = 0;
computed values. keep track of number of TodoItem’s and completed
this.num_completed = 0;
this.num_items = 0;
current value of the UI filter
this.filter = '';
this.filter_opts = {'': { title: 'All', value: null },
'active': { title: 'Active', value: true },
'completed': { title: 'Completed', value: false }};
Initialization: load data from LocalStorage
add elements from HTML
this.forArray(this.extra, function(todo_item){
if (this.num_items){
this.$footer.style.display = '';
this.$main.style.display = '';
read hash from URL to set initial filter
It is possible to directly modify the object instead of passing arguments to the initializer
TodoApp.from_html = function(){
this.extra = [];
var items = this.getElementsByTagName('todo-item');
this.forArray(items, function (todo_item){
TodoApp.render = function() {
the input element where new TodoItem can be added
this.$input = input({ id: 'new-todo',
placeholder: 'What needs to be done?',
autofocus: '' });
this.listen( this.$input, 'keyup', this.createItemCallback );
checkbox to toggle all Todo’s at once
this.$toggleAll = input({ id:'toggle-all', type:'checkbox' });
this.listen( this.$toggleAll, 'change', this.toggleAll );
var $label = label( { 'for': 'toggle-all' }, 'Mark all as complete' );
the container for the TodoItem’s HTML
this.$todoList = ul({ id:'todo-list' });
assemble the main section
this.$main = section( {'id':'main'}, this.$toggleAll,
$label, this.$todoList);
create the footer
this.$todoCount = span({ id: 'todo-count' });
this.$filters = ul( { id: 'filters' } );
A separate function was defined to create the HTML for the filters.
the forDict
method from hoe.Type
will iterate through
the items of an array/object and pass them as a parameter
to a function. The function will automatically keep the scope
in the object.
this.forDict(this.filter_opts, this.render_filter);
this.$clear = button({ id: 'clear-completed' });
this.listen( this.$clear, 'click', this.clearCompleted );
this.$footer = footer( {'id': 'footer'},
this.$todoCount, this.$filters, this.$clear );
Put all the parts together.
jQuery objects have hoe()
method that is similar to HTML
creation functioins, but use an existing element.
Plain objects become HTML attributes, string and other DOM
elements are append to the content.
header( {id:'header'}, h1( null, 'todos' ), this.$input ),
this.$main, this.$footer
this.style.display = 'block';
this.$footer.style.display = 'none';
this.$main.style.display = 'none';
Attach event handler for haschange in the URL
this.listen(window, 'hashchange', this.hashChanged);
create HTML for filter options.
TodoApp.render_filter = function( data, path ) {
var $link = a( {href: '#/' + path }, data.title );
$link.classList.toggle( 'selected', ( this.filter == path) );
this.listen( $link, 'click', function() {
this.filter_opts[path].$ele = $link;
this.$filters.appendChild( li( null, $link ) );
TodoApp.hashChanged = function() {
if ( location.hash ) {
TodoApp.setFilter = function( path ) {
uptate propery
this.filter = path;
update UI
var $items = this.$filters.getElementsByTagName('a');
for(var i=0,max=$items.length;i<max;i++){
this.filter_opts[path].$ele.classList.add( 'selected' );
apply filter to all TodoItem one by one.
this.forDict( this.todos, this.filterItem );
the active filter also needs to be saved in LocalStorage
Create new TodoItem and add them to the TodoApp. This is used on initialization for items read from LocalStorage and for items added through the UI.
TodoApp.createItem = function( id, title, completed ) {
var item = TodoItem.New({id:id, title:title, completed:completed});
TodoApp.addItem = function( item ) {
var id = item.id;
if (id in this.todos) return;
this.todos[id] = item;
Attach event handlers to TodoItem events. The API is the same as used by DOM events, just pass the object as first parameter instead of a DOM element. Than comes the event name (string), and the callback.
this.listen( this.todos[id], 'delete', function(event){
this.listen( this.todos[id], 'toggle', this.itemToggled );
this.listen( this.todos[id], 'updated', this.save );
this.num_items += 1;
this.num_completed += item.completed ? 1 : 0;
this.$todoList.appendChild( this.todos[id] );
this.filterItem( this.todos[id] );
Whenever an item is added or edited we need to refresh the footer displaying the summary of items/completed.
TodoApp.updateCount = function() {
var left = this.num_items - this.num_completed;
var left_str = ( left == 1 ) ? ' item left' : ' items left';
this.$toggleAll.checked = (this.num_completed === this.num_items);
span( null, strong( null, left.toString() ), left_str ) );
hoe.html( this.$clear,
'Clear completed (' + this.num_completed + ')' );
this.$clear.style.display = (this.num_completed !== 0) ? '' : 'none';
TodoApp.createItemCallback = function( e ) {
var title = this.$input.value.trim();
if ( e.which === ENTER_KEY && title ) {
var id = this.next_id++;
this.createItem( id, title, false );
this.$input.value = '';
this.$footer.style.display = '';
this.$main.style.display = '';
TodoApp.deleteItem = function( item ) {
this.num_items -= 1;
this.num_completed -= item.completed ? 1 : 0;
if ( this.num_items === 0 ){
this.$footer.style.display = 'none';
this.$main.style.display = 'none';
delete this.todos[item.id];
TodoApp.filterItem = function ( item ) {
var display = item.completed != this.filter_opts[this.filter].value;
item.style.display = display ? '' : 'none';
TodoApp.itemToggled = function( event ) {
var item = event.detail;
this.num_completed += item.completed ? 1 : -1;
this.filterItem( item );
TodoApp.toggleAll = function() {
var checked = this.$toggleAll.checked;
this.forDict( this.todos, function( item ){
if ( item.completed !== checked ){
item.$checkbox.checked = checked;
TodoApp.clearCompleted = function(){
this.forDict( this.todos, function( item ){
if ( item.completed ){
this.deleteItem( item );
TodoApp.load = function() {
var store = localStorage.getItem( 'todos-hoejs' );
if ( store ) {
load list of TodoItem, filter, and next_id from LocaStorage
var data = ( JSON.parse( store ) );
this.filter = data.filter;
this.next_id = data.next_id;
render the App (initially empty)
add the items read from the store
this.forDict( data.todos, function( value, key ) {
this.$footer.style.display = '';
this.$main.style.display = '';
if (typeof value[1] != 'boolean'){
value[1] = false;
throw ‘db corrupted!’;
this.createItem( key, value[0], value[1]);
TodoApp.save = function() {
var todos = {};
this.forDict( this.todos, function( v, k ) {
todos[k] = [ v.title, v.completed ];
var data = { next_id: this.next_id, filter: this.filter, todos: todos };
localStorage.setItem( 'todos-hoejs', JSON.stringify( data ) );
})( window );